Safe Sports

Complaint/Feedback Form

If you have a complaint or feedback about something at Ultimaas, you are always welcome to fill in this form, the complaint/feedback will be discussed by the board. You can access the form here, it is possible to fill it in anonymously.

Confidential Contact Person (CCP):

This person is a contact person (independent from the board and trainers) we have at our association. They are here for you if you have any concerns that you want to discuss about unwanted behavior at Ultimaas, if you experience it yourself or if you see it happen to others. If anything is making you feel uncomfortable or unsafe please reach out to them.

CCP Ultimaas:

Teun Wich –

CCP NFB (Nationale Frisbee Bond):

Mark Steenhuis –

Code of Conduct

Ultimaas also makes sure to follow a Code of Conduct, this contains some general rules and guidelines that all members are expected to follow.

Read the Code of Conduct here.